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Reduction in Force Resources

The Faculty Senate is working with the Office of the Provost, University leadership, and the general counsel to ensure that services are provided to those faculty impacted by the Reduction in Force process. Additional resources will be added to the list below as they become available.

General Resources for All Faculty and Staff

·         The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) is a free service offered to WVU employees and their dependents. FSAP is a confidential resource that provides professional staff and a safe place to sort through problems and determine the best resources available to address them. 

·         The Brief Emotional Support Team (BEST) sessions offer employees immediate support during times of need through virtual and in-person drop-in sessions with the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program.

·         Dr. Chris Schimmel, the Faculty Ombudsperson, is available to faculty members this summer.  The Faculty Ombudsperson can assist faculty members by providing information about University policies, procedures, and resources; coaching them through tough conversations and circumstances; facilitating conflict resolution; or just listening and serving as a resource as faculty members evaluate options and make decisions.  Details are available on the website.

·         Well WVU offers mental health training resources so that you can better support colleagues and students.

·         WVU Medicine Wellness offers a number of resources for employees, including classes and programs (e.g., weekly meditations, mindful steps, walk 100 miles in 100 days).

·         WVU Talent and Culture offers wellness resources.

·         The WVU Student Recreation Center offers variable monthly membership fees for faculty and staff, their partners and dependents. A membership might assist with stress reduction.

·         WVU Employee Offboarding checklist and securing data and technology resources for departing employees can assist those leaving the University.

·         For directions on acquiring certification to teach in the West Virginia school system, visit and choose “bachelor’s degree or higher” from the education drop-down.  Options 2, 3 and 4 are appropriate for faculty members.


Retirement Resources for Faculty and Staff

·         WVU Talent and Culture outlines Retirement Eligibility on their website.

·         WVU Talent and Culture outlines benefits for retirees interested in continuing their PEIA health insurance coverage, Medicare, and life insurances.

·         Retirees are able to continue their flexible benefits, such as life, dental, vision insurance, etc.  Details are on the WVU Talent and Culture website.


Resources for Employees Who Are Departing/Separating from the University

·         For 12-month faculty members who accumulated annual leave, visit the link below to find out how you can receive payment for unused leave.

·         For faculty members separating from the University, health insurance, life insurance, flexible benefits (dental, vision, etc.), and all other optional benefits end on the last day of the month in which the employee physically works.  Health insurance, dental and vision insurance vendors are the only ones that will mail COBRA notices regarding the continuation of coverages and your rights under their plans.  Visit the WVU Talent and Culture website for more details.

·         Employees may be eligible for longevity pay, which can be a pro-rated payment or a full longevity payment for their years of service up through and including their last physical day of employment. Contact Benefits Administration at for further information.

·         There are three options in terms of a 401(a) retirement account funds and any supplemental accounts an employee may have.  Visit the WVU Talent and Culture website for details.

·         If an employee was hired at WVU prior to July 1, 2002, and has not had a break in service, a No Hardship Repayment may be applicable when departing from WVU. Please contact WVU Payroll at 304-293-3379x1 for repayment questions. Visit the Talent and Culture website for details.

Visit the WVU Talent and Culture website to change a mailing address.

Additional information:

Employee Benefits                                         
(304) 293-8405       

(304) 293-5700 ext. 6

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WV Unemployment Compensation


ACA Health Insurance Marketplace Site for Those Who Lose Employer-based Coverage

Emerita/Emeritus Status Policy

Emeritus Application