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Legislative Tracking

WVU Faculty Senate Legislative Bill Tracking

Eloise Elliott, WVU Faculty Senate Representative to State Government, and the Faculty Senate Leadership Team maintain ongoing communication with the WVU Government Relations team in Charleston to stay informed on legislative developments affecting WVU faculty. Regular updates are provided below, and additional weekly updates can be found in Under the Dome . For questions or concerns, please contact Eloise Elliott, Faculty Senate Chair Diana Davis, or Travis Mollohan, Associate Vice President for Government Relations.

Faculty are encouraged to verify all details on the  West Virginia Legislature website
Updated 3/6/25
Senate Bill Tracking
Bill # Short Title Sponsors Bill Link 1st Committee Steps
SB 424 Restoring Sanity Act  Rucker (L), Helton, Barlett, Fuller, Rose SB 424 2/13 Introduced and sent to Education  
WVU FS notes: 3/6: still no movement on this bill. 3/3: No movement on this bill at this time.

SB 460 Related to  vaccination requirements Smith (P), (L), Woelfel, SB 460 2/13 Introduced and sent to Health and Human Resources 2/21 Passed Senate; 2/24 Introduced in House sent to HHR
WVU FS notes: 3/6: WVU Medicine representatives along with other state hospital associations have made numerous presentations to legislators and committees against the passage of this bill. It still remains in the House HHR committee.

SB 474 Ending diversity, equity, and inclusion programs Smith (P), (L), Woelfel, SB 474 2/14 Introduced and sent to Judiciary  
WVU FS notes: 3/6: The bill passed the Judiciary Committee today and sent to Finance.  3/3: Today’s WVU Under the Dome ( outlines the exceptions that have been added to this bill that would protect us from many of our concerns as an institution of higher education. We will continue to monitor to ensure all exceptions are kept in the bill.

House Bill Tracking
Bill # Short Title Sponsors Bill Link 1st Committee Steps
HB 2166 Behavioral health workforce ed initiative Ellington (L), Statler, Toney, Willis, Pritt HB 2166 2/12 Introduced and sent to Education 2/17 House sub HE; 2/28 Passed HE (sub) and sent back to House Ed;
3/6 passed House Education and sent to House Finance
WVU FS notes: 3/6: The bill is still in its original form.

HB 2396 Distribution and display of obscene matter to minors Hillenbrand (L), Ridenour, Funkhouser, Horst, White, Chiarelli, Pritt, Howell, Coop-Gonzalez, Mazzocchi, Kimble HB 2396 2/14 Introduced and sent to Education  
WVU FS notes: 3/6: Bill is still in Education with no movement  3/3: No movement on this bill at this time.

HB 2737 To establish the Higher Education Health and Aid Grant   HB 27347    
WVU FS notes: 3/5: 6 WVU students from SGA talked to legislators and were told it would be on House Higher Education (sub) next week. 
3/3: This student-led bill that will provide WV institutions of HE an opportunity to receive grants to address student food insecurities and student health and hygiene inadequacies.

HB 2965 PEIA – redirects employment payments to a HSA Ellington (L), Willis, Statler, Jennings, Clark, Smith, Crouse, White, Clark, Pritt, Hornby HB 2965 2/25 Introduced and sent to Finance 3/3 Sent to House Banking and Insurance (sub) committee
WVU FS notes: 3/6: Still in House Banking and Insurance subcommittee.

HB 2968 Privatizes PEIA Ellington (L), Hornby, Clark, Smith, Crouse, White, Clark, Coop-Gonzalez, Miller HB 2968 2/25 Introduced and sent to Finance 3/3 Sent to House Banking and Insurance (sub) committee
WVU FS notes: 3/6: Still in House Banking and Insurance subcommittee.